1.CSR Strategy & Policy
We help them to define Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and Corporate Social Responsibility Policy. The right strategy will enable you to align your CSR projects with your business objectives also considering data collection methods in qualitative research.
Our multi-sector expertise in advisory powers the development of your CSR strategy & policy.
2. Baseline Survey
Aim Research and Consultancy helps private & public sector companies, trusts, foundations & implementation agencies to identify the baseline profile of their development projects.
The scientifically defined baseline helps to monitor and evaluate the output, outcome and impact on the designated areas of concern.
Use our 5+ years of experience in guiding business & foundation leaders in the areas of corporate social responsibility.
3. Project Monitoring & Evaluation
Aim Research and Consultancy carries out Independent Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of CSR and other development projects in India during its entire life cycle. We ensure that the projects are executed as per the plan.
CSR or development project monitoring, and evaluation is a management need for the successful implementation to ensure that the said project achieves the required objective. It is also equally important to ensure that the project makes the desired impact.
monitor & evaluate the CSR project performance. Monitoring & evaluation also help to identify by the research study to gaps between planning & implementation.
4. Social Impact Assessment
Aim Research and Consultancy is one of the Independent Third Party Social Impact Consulting Firms in India. Use our decade long expertise in Social Impact Consultancy and Social Impact Assessment of your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.
We understand the community in terms of social, environmental, economical changes. Social impacts can be measured qualitatively, semi-quantitatively, or quantitatively.
5. Reporting and Communication
Use more than 5+ years of our Professional experience in CSR and sustainability. We work one-on-one with business & foundation leaders to develop their Impact Assessment and Evolution Report Writing and Communications.
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