data collection

7 Quintessential Tips For Effective Data Collection In Quantitative Research

Data Collection In Quantitative Research

Data collection is the method by which you collect and accurately measure data about particular variables that enable you to answer the asserted analysis query, test data and estimate results to get a comprehensive and detailed spectacle of an area of concern.

In other words, before you begin gathering data you require an information-gathering plan!

What Is The Objective Of A Data Collection Plan?

A data collecting plan benefits to assure that the information you accumulate is helpful, adequately correct and fit-for-purpose.

OK, what do we intend by helpful?

The information you accumulate must be proficient in clarifying your system. If you’re arranging research on Weight and Household Income, then all the information you accumulate should be in assistance of that hypothesis. Accumulating data on whether your research associates swim frequently might be helpful, but accumulating data on their footwear size presumably isn’t. Data collection most beneficial practices direct that you should just accumulate the data you require to respond to your system.

Here you’ll discover our best 7 data accumulating methods in quantitative research. These steps also helps in Data collection for dairy and agriculture

Tip 1: Document Data on Paper First…

So you’ve got your system. Once you’ve picked what information you need to accumulate, the initial thing you must do is plan a paper-based data collecting report to save all your data (considering that at least a few of your information is going to be entered by hand).

Maintain it manageable, print it out, then manually register your data with pen and paper. One report per illustration/case/customer/test-tube, etc..

Tip 2: Then Transfer it to an Automatic Tool

We may be existing in an automated system, but eventually, you need a method where you (or anyone else) can comprehend the information way from starting to end and – more importantly – from end to start.

From time to time, you will make an error with the data, so it is vitally essential that you have an information gathering system that will make you point and correct the error by going back by each step till you see the mistake.

So now you have your data registered on paper you require to shift it into an automated system. More than expected this will be either Excel or Access.

Tip 3: Insert Your Data on a Single Worksheet Whenever Possible

Attempting to classify your information when it is scattered across various worksheets can lead to every kind of difficulty, so seek to dodge it whenever you can – keep your information on a separate worksheet.

Tip 4: Utilize a Unique ID column

You’ll probably have to classify your information multiple times and by various columns, so you’re going to require a means of replacing the primary order. Use column A as an unusual identifier to enter consecutive numbers beginning from 1. It may be easy, but it’s compelling.

When you’ve placed your Unique IDs into column A, go back to your initial paper sheets and record the Unique ID there as well. 

Tip 5: Keep Great Notes

When using codes you’ll need to keep notes to tell you what the codes mean. Keep the codes and notes in a different spreadsheet.

While we’re on the subject, it’s really important to KEEP GREAT NOTES !!!

You’re likely not the only person that will ever work with this dataset, so get used to writing stuff down.

Explain what the project is all about, the question you’re trying to answer, why you’re collecting this data and how you’re going to get the answers you’re looking for. Explain how you measured things and under what conditions. If more than one person is collecting data, then explain who, what, where, when, why and how.

This will be the document that explains all the important stuff about your dataset, so write it down. If there’s too much information to comfortably put into an Excel spreadsheet, then a Microsoft Word document will be just fine – and keep it in the same folder as the dataset.

Tip 6: Be Regular With Data Entry

There’s nothing worse than preparing a dataset that needs a fortnight to clean because recording information has not been constant. It’s troublesome enough fixing spelling mistakes without also ought to fix things that were intentionally recorded uniquely.

One of the biggest information collecting difficulties you will encounter is an irregular record, so limit the number of people that can insert data to cut down on this sort of problem, and make it obvious what your data collection methods and data entry measures are.

Tip 7: Don’t Presume

Data must be registered as precisely as feasible. Don’t Presume, rough, round up or down.

Insert the value specified as recorded on paper.

If you necessitate the data to be rounded up or down you can utilise Excel’s functions to accomplish this, but if you’re making predictions in your head, on paper or in a calculator you’ll make errors that can be tough – if not impossible – to detect later.


Data collecting is quite easy, but it’s also obvious to create blunders that can fetch you immense quantities of time and money when it comes to the information cleaning and pre-processing platforms.

Ensure you have a data collection plan, an information collecting method and a few easy data collection methods to make sure that you lessen difficulties. 

From here you can intensify a reliable data collection plan to plan out the route from question to answer. Then you can begin accumulating data, and by following the 7 tips described in this blog you’ll make far fewer errors

After all, that’s where each one of us wants to end up, right?

For more such valuable tips and all your Data Collection needs visit us at Aim Research

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